Okay so. Christmas.
It's like, only the BEST and my favourite season of the year!
Because of the whole atmosphere of it. And how back home we'd gather at my grandparent's place to celebrate it with my relatives and everyone will be there, feasting on good food on Christmas Eve, then counting down to Christmas when it nears midnight so we can open the presents!
This year it'd be different though, just like last year. I'm in London, and my family's a 14 hour plane right away from me. Boo hoo.
Not that that'd faze me from creating a
★ Christmas Wishlist!! ★
1) Body fat digital bathroom scale

This crazy bathroom scale actually measures the percentage of body fat, body water, muscle mass, and bone weight on top of your total weight.
I love you, technology!
2) Collars of various sorts

(via adorevintage)

I don't care how slow I am at picking up this trend, it's not the point. The point is, I've been thinking of making these for myself for the longest time seriously, but as usual, I got caught up in procrastinating (and look at me now, making excuses!) so in the end I just arrived in London without pretty collars. Even though I really need / want / need / want it. Really.
3) Books, from my Amazon Cart!
The Nearest Exit is Behind You
- S. Bear Bergman

Room: A Novel
- Emma Donoghue

Girls to the front: The True Story of the Riot Grrrl Revolution
- Sara Marcus

Water for Elephants: A Novel
- Sara Gruen

Delusions of Gender: How Our Minds, Society, and Neurosexism Create Difference
- Cordelia Fine

Tree of Codes
- Jonathan Safran Foer

Love love love love books. Love it so much, my future home will look like this:

4) A friend, in London.

Simple wishes indeed. *nods*
