-1:30pm 到了台北桃园机场!好好的天气。很高兴离开新加破因为那边很热。买了巴士票150NT去忠孝新生,天就下了毛毛雨。但是还是很开心离开新加破!


然后到了Apple House!世界上最好住的地方。但是我想我们太乱了,所以弄了整个屋好乱。m(_ _)m ゴメンナサイ希望 Apple House 不会讨厌我们!Apple House 非常非常的干净又温暖。真的很像家一样。走了一整天回到 Apple House 感到很舒服。好高兴选了 Apple House 来住!
过了很久的时间(我们到了 Apple House 很高兴,一直在玩 ),我们终于出发去忠孝幅幸。找到了一个很可爱的小 「ラメン」 餐厅!那边的人很友善。也问我们喜不喜欢他们的面!


到了西门钉一下,店要关了。我们就回 Apple House 休息。明天要早起床。
(Okay, I cannot type in Mandarin anymore. Day 1 -above- took me 45mins omg.)
Second day
♥ MOCA ♥
♥ Wufenpu ♥
♥ Raohe Night Market ♥
I was everyone's alarm clock. Woke up 10am (;´ρ`)
On the bright side, ww cooked eggs for us all!
Snapped a pic before leaving the house. Behind, you see Freddie the bear - Apple House's doggedly faithful security guard.
MOCA was located at Taipei Main Station. That place was a labryinth of shops, shops and more shops. We walked through Eslite mall where ww and I purchased a magazine that will never be available in Singapore - LEZS.
They're apparently crazy over the Yes or No female lead. Yes or No is a Thai lesbian movie about this hotashell dyke who moves in with a 'straight' girl in a university setting. The storyline is not anything to rave over but somehow the girl is. Can someone tell me what I'm missing? She was (in my opinion) annoying as hell in the show. Her face isn't exactly something to gush over either. What am I not getting?
Anyway, look what we found!
It is a robutt that plays mewsick. No like seriously, it PLAYS music. Out in the open. Also, its eyes dances to the beat of the song you play. Just insert its jack (kekeke) into your iphone / ipod's hole (what about Blackberries!) and there ya go! Music. There's a time frame when it's available for use though, due to noise complaints by the surrounding shops / neighbors I suppose. We couldn't use it until 3:30pm.

Had the most amazing beef noodles at some random restaurant. It's located somewhere near Moca and has the most friendly staff ever. I really should have taken a namecard. They provided freeflow of super yummy Wintermelon juice!
WW's beef soup (without noodles) cost 80NTD which makes approximately S$4!
The Taiwanese take their cigarettes seriously.
Off to Wufenpu & Raohe Night Market!
Wufenpu was insane. Imagine Bugis Street x 1000. Clothes were priced about the same as Singapore except in Taiwan Dollars. I got a t-shirt for my sister that's supposedly handmade and one of a kind. I don't know what to believe but whatever, it's a lovely shirt! Whilst shopping, we created a game called... Marco Polo! The rules were simple. Spot a dyke, call out Marco Polo, and collect points. Spot wrongly and deduct 5 points. It entertained us till the last day. There were LOADS of them and I do not exaggerate. It was like a lesbian fantasy in real life. They were everywhere. WORLD DOMINATION!
Then we headed off for a foot massage that cost 500NTD that was not really a foot massage but more like foot reflexology that hurt. like. motherfuck. Because it was fairly shady looking, Cakes and I created worst case scenarios that revolved around the men downstairs (there were 4 of them) knocking Bryo out because he's the guy, and then ww, and then coming after us and raping us and keeping us and then making us massage other people's feet!
It didn't happen.
They were really nice folks. Except for one rather... dirty man who kept making inappropriate comments. It was agreed unanimously that Cakes was a real sexy lady d(-_^) (they specifically said, "她好高喔!皮肤又白,身材又好!” So I proudly informed them that she modeled. And then the dirty man said, "Showgirl?" to which we burst out laughing.
We then hung out with them downstairs (while our partners, Bryo + ww went for their massage) where the TV blasted repeated week-old news about Makiyo bashing a poor taxi driver up. Oh yeah! Makiyo beat someone up, you guys. She's a real badass.
After which, it was Raohe Night Market!
There were a shitload of food products. Like everywhere. Food. We had THE. BEST. Chee Cheong Fan ever and they randomly sold Teh Tarik. Also tried strawberries + condensed milk which turned out to be orgasmic. Oh, and there was a Rilakkuma store.
Day 3
♥ Mogoo Popcorn ♥
♥ Dunhua -which is around ZhongXiaoFuXing- ♥
♥ Shida Night Market ♥
It was really cold today. The search for Mogoo Popcorn (only the BEST popcorn ever, seriously you guys. TRY IT) took at least an hour. We walked for eternity and asked about a million people for directions including a really pretty girl in a shop with milky white skin.
But it was worth it.
Mogoo Popcorn is god sent.
After which, we shopped for a bit around Dunhua N. Rd which is comparable to Singapore's Haji Lane. People weren't as friendly there and just a litttttle bit snobbish. Crowd mostly consisted of young punks donning the latest trends. 2 cafes turned us down for dinner as it was ridiculously crowded. We ended up at an overpriced restaurant next to a Chou Toufu stall.
Its lamps looked like this.
Food was enjoyable. I ordered Steamed Cod fish. Bryo had Sliced Pork which was apparently the best out of ours but I didn't try it because it's piggy. Cakes had Chicken balls that were rather tasty, and ww had some Beef thing that I felt was delish.
End of pictures for Day 3.
Shida Night Market is a definite MUST go! There were all sorts of food & clothing boutiques there. It was way cleaner than Raohe. We raided a particularly curious shop around the end of the market and bough fancy earrings that turned out to be not that fancy afterall. But it's alright. I still really enjoyed that place. Marco Polos all over the place as always.
And then we went clubbing at Roxy 99. It wasn't very fun.
So we headed off in search of the very illusive Taboo club. Eventually, after chatting with a very helpful betel nut chewing taxi driver, he revealed that it was pronounced Ta! Bu! and lesbian clubs were called T-Ba.
Cover charge was a whopping 500NTD for girls, 700NTD for guys with freeflow.
I got drunk and puked outside the Family Mart below our apartment. It was not a pretty sight.
Fourth Day
We were all depressed as it was the 2nd last day of our stay but the sky seemed to feel otherwise.
We set off fairly late today, about 3pm. It was HOTPOT day!
It is very unfortunate that I do not have a picture of the Ma La Huo Po place before good lord it was fucking awesome.
1. It cost 547NTD per pax for 2 hours of buffet
2. Buffet consisted of 6 plates of beef / lamb / pork.
3. The beef was fantastic (albeit a tad bit too meaty tasting for my liking. But everyone else seemed to be getting orgasms so I guess it MUST have been good)
4. Mushroom balls.
5. Scallops.
6. SUPER DELICIOUS FISH. Please choose the red one.
7. FREEFLOW OF ICE CREAM!! (Movenpick green tea was my personal fav)
We also found Les Love Boat! It's fantastic it's like a dream come true. We need one in Singapore. Bought 2 binders for mah little monyet. There was an english speaking dyke there so that was helpful too.
Then it was Shilin Night Market that paled in comparision to Shida Market. They had the best selection of food though.
Highlight of Shilin - THE PET SHOP. I fell in love with this white cotton ball that moved and kept getting attacked by a really cheeky poodle. It costs 12,000NTD. Which makes about S$600. Totally affordable! But the shipping fee would cost 20,000NTD + I would have to stay in Taipei for at least 40 days + give the little cute thing all the required vaccinations. Too much trouble.
Also chanced upon the best bubble tea so far besides Ching Sing. 50 Lan is rubbish. The best bubble tea so far besides Ching Sing is located next to the Pet Shop. I miss it already.
The chicken at Shilin Market is REAL chicken with bones. Shrimp balls were delish. Bryo tried Ostrich meat. Dogs everywhere.
Then we made a friend!!!!!!
And bought like a shitload of things from the shop she worked at.
No pictures. Moving on to the last day. We were all very sad.
Last day